Come all you mortals and gather round To hear the tale of the Spiral Down The ancient heart within us all Forced to splinter into nothing at all Come the Tall Tale Industry There was Spirit and the Machine The mechanical philistine That demanded for order and perfection Power over the great unseen Come the Tall Tale Industry The Spirit was made obsolete When the machine hatched a heartless scheme That understood she could be enslaved To do just what she does so naturally Under its authority They turned her into a factory Tradition ruled that she Ought To Be The farce of law that she give her sons One by one Unwillingly Until she's done To the Tall Tale Industry Come children, To hear the warped generation Should they realize they were forced to Pass on such a twisted belief Just because it's always been You'll give your dreams up one by one To the machine until you're gone The horrors of etiquette, how to speak and think Who to marry and what to eat To the Tall Tale Industry Tradition, Laws and Lies The prison of Civility Tall Tale Industry