'Never' is a measure, 'Always' closer to betrayal, 'Once' is long forgotten, 'Someday' may not come. A long way to reason, And our roads may not cross; A change in every season, What I thought, Some time ago... As far as the eye can see, To glide on the sands of time; Make a second last forever, Ages flashes passing by. Is there anyway, To stumble with the might have been's And see the way they lead? I've wanted this For so long... Trudding on to nowhere, There's somewhere we must go; Strenght and every knowledge Really mean Nothing at all... At all! As far as the eye can see, To glide on the sands of time; Make a second last forever, Ages flashes passing by. Is there anyway, To stumble with the might have been's And see the way they lead? I've wanted this For so long... Ends and beginnings, Where they come and where they go, And to find a meaning; I've wanted this For so long... As far as the eye can see...