The Cutting Edge has inner vision It's going mad gets away from it all Passing time hopes crash on death row No peace of mind yet completely secureDon't forget to say I love you Don't forget the price on your head Don't forget I'm thinking of you And don't forget the Cutting EdgeHush, hush my friend learn to listen This day's work a wall a silence Winning a gold they drive a hard bargain Tight fists, close shaves, tighten their gripDon't forget to say I love you Don't forget the price on your head Don't forget I'm thinking of you And don't forget the Cutting EdgeDecayed cadavers now forgotten tribes Still line the bed of the Orinoco But the skulls of long lost conquistadores No longer dream of El DoradoDon't forget to say I love you Don't forget the price on your head Don't forget I'm thinking of you And don't forget the Cutting Edge