It all came back to me The travelling ways Within the classroom Childhood memories Hidden but anxious To be awaken In times of need Late at night Eerie dreams From the unknown Invaded my thoughts Changed my mind Show me the way To your mind Show me the Darkness inside Reveal me the secret As the echoes From earth Shatter away All hope! And so we travel Searching for The meaning But there’s no answer... And so we call Upon the halans Deeply connected To the universes Through the years They dreamt Of the consciousness Indefinable to their eyes They spoke of a star... “And they were right!” “We explored New worlds We left the body We cleared the mind!” And so we found the path The star portal within our grasp Waves of sadness Bursting from her Destroying every hope Revealing the secret Lightness fighting darkness Darkness in all its starkness The war echoes from earth Echos From earth “Inside the garden The secret classroom Where the travelling ways are taught Is filled with people Accessing the portal Childhood memories Hidden and now awaken Reaching the deep corners of space Entering the realm of the star's mind...”