“I’m travelling for so long In the garden of all seasons” I’m travelling for so long I’ve discovered so many hidden truths And I feel so alive like The memories blowing my mind I feel so alive Colors exploding my mind Blinding my eyes with Blissful light Seasons alternate each day My heart pounds and I long for the sun And a walk by the seashore My wish becomes real I’m in command Of my thoughts My journey I’m mesmerized And I'm confused Could this be real Could this be true? I’m mesmerized By the sand Grabbing soft grains with my hands Bathing in the soothing Comfortable ocean of utopia The ocean and the sun of utopia The sand now turns into leaves Leaves turn into trees I feel the cold wind blow As autumn invades my senses Senses become colder The warmth of the fireplace Hits my face Winter is here The snow gently falls Soon to morph into The beautiful flowers And the rainbow shows up Above the full grown trees of spring It's the garden of all seasons