"Whispering Whispering Watching Watching" Your eyes penetrate me Asking for no permission Tearing my soul to Pieces My reasoning Glitches My defences are weakening I'm helplessly vulnerable Hypnotizing Attraction Killing me with Passion (Chorus I): Gimme your Mind Can you feel me inside I'll make you Strive To Embrace your Life Gimme your Hand Can't you see I'm your friend You're so lost Today I'll show you the Way (Chorus II): Persuasive eyes Looking for me Stalking eyes Scanning me Mystical eyes Seducing me Obsessive eyes Controlling me I can't escape, I don't wanna escape This gateway to An impossible Paradise Right in front of my Eyes Coz I'm so lost in this World So much to Behold My body glows As I reach the speed of light So intense, it burns I'm your Strange Damning eyes Whispering into Your Mind You can't escape My cruel invasion You try to look away But it's all in vain Am I insane (Chorus II) I'm Paralysed By your spell I'm yours See me Control me Help me to Find my Way Eyes of Fire Tattooed on my brain Making me insane And I need them To wash away my Pain (repeat) (Chorus I) (Chorus II)