Jack was a man who lived in the sand right outside of DreamerLand He makes his living any way he can every single night playing with the band. Amy was a girl that was new to the world with everything about her and her bleach blonde curls. She lived in the cole mine out of town every single night that's where she could be found. And then one day in dreamer land, Jack was coming through playing with his band and Amy and her friends had plans to go out that night to see the show and everything about it was turning out cause Amy had tickets to the second row. And after the show had ended soon Jack was hanging out in his dressing room when a knock came from the side veiw glass it was Amy and her friends with a backstage pass. Jack saw Amy and Amy saw Jack sitting there eating his cracker jacks it was love at first site as if they knew. Jack said "Amy I Love you too" She placed her small heart in his hand and now they get along like a Marching Band. Marching Band Marching Band Marching Band. Now the're a family that lives in the sand right out side of DreamerLand. They make their living any way they can. Two heart beats like a Marching Band. Marching Band Marching Band