
Life Relentless


This fraction of time 
Will it humble our thinking 
or laugh in our face 
Beaten and torn on bruised knees crawling 
It decomposes my soul

Fall - constantly falling 
Call - I'm forever just calling 

Get no answer, no relief 
Numbness takes control

Fall - constantly falling 
Fear - I'm forever just running 
Cry - I'm pathetically crying
When I...

Feel and feed the foetus in my mind 
Seeking refugee where pain resides 
I am the foetus of my time 
Born to this life relentless

Rattle the chains 
To this mental enslavement
Charismatic abuse
Solitude hands me my tool of destruction 
Darkness fills the room

Crawl - on bruised knees crawling 
It's dark - I'm forever just fumbling 
Cry - I'm pathetically crying
When I...

Feel and feed the foetus in my mind 
Seeking refugee where pain resides 
I am the foetus of my time 
Born to this life relentless