Flames of Ambition Flames of ambition Your arms on the table The sands of time are untouchable The sound of skin and bones confusing you I know what you want and what I need Sometimes it hurts Sometimes I'm falling from the edge Sometimes you cry Sometimes I'm far away from here Come with me Don't be afraid My love is not too late To learn the only important thing, to know baby. Flames of ambition You led my heart stray This is a strange union Untouchable Don't let your body sleep in your bed tonight Open your mind I'm ready! I know it hurts But all the things have the first time So just relax Togheter we will fall from the edge Come with me Don't be afraid My love is not too late To learn the only important thing, to know baby. I'm an ordinary man With an ordinary love Lay your body over me let's try... You're an ordinary woman With an ordinary love Lay you body over me let's try one more time.