(Never forget) (Now that the table's turned) (You'll get what you deserve) After all that you put me through You've got what's coming for you What goes around comes right back again So have a taste of your own medicine What goes around comes right back again (Never forget) Now that the table's turned You'll get what you deserve Try and take back your words But I will never forget Your bridges have been burned Another lesson learned Try and take back your words But I will never forget I was blind, couldn't see the truth Inside the eyes I once knew I can't believe that I let you win How does it taste, your own medicine What goes around comes right back again (You'll get what you deserve) Now that the table's turned You'll get what you deserve Try and take back your words But I will never forget Your bridges have been burned Another lesson learned Try and take back your words But I will never forget (What goes around comes right back again) (Never forget) (What goes around comes right back again) (Never forget) Now that the table's turned You'll get what you deserve Now that the table's turned You'll get what you deserve Try and take back your words But I will never forget Your bridges have been burned Another lesson learned Try and take back your words But I will never forget Never forget