Step By Step [Eyedea] I got a little story to tell See it was September 1st, 1999, the day of my death My back was on the cold concrete as I take my last breath Saw my body laying on the ground as my soul hovered above me Damn Eyedea you was a good lookin' cat But anyway another day at 18 years of age Step in heaven's gate anxious to see what God got to say Maybe he'll give me a gift for always saying my prayers But he might send me downstairs for last year's love affair Well who cares You know right now it's all a mystery I mean I'll find out when I get there Until then I can't let it get to me I'm keepin' my cool Besides everybody dies I'll just follow the white light like the do in the movies It seems like I was went by and I'm still travelin Right towards the brightness Now this ain't heaven of hell This realm is lifeless And I hate to say it But this wild goose chase had me bored No directions, no clues, no idea what I was in for But forward I kept floating And then a quick flash the lights split directly in half And created a forked path Representing each side is an angel Now whats the task I have to untangle to meet the big man in charge I ask And one on the right of me says one of us always lies and one that always tells the truth Ask the right one the right question he'll direct you to heaven If ask the wrong one son, farwell you going straight to well.... Y'all get the picture The one on my left told me not to listen to his fibs He said it ain't that complicated to find out where god lives He told me to follow his path and tell god that he said hi Then the one on my right jumped in and told me not to believe his lies and I'm like Jesus Fucking Christ I didn't care much for life But I've tried to stay alive forever if I knew this is what death was like I was never good at problem solving especially in emergencies I get a tad bit nervous when concerned with burning for eternity but anyway I asked them which one lied and they pointed at each other Thinking I'd had it I asked the name of my mother One said he don't know the other said he know but he can't tell me God damn this is going to be hard So I asked 30 questions and I still wasn't sure but being me I gave those pricks a few good words Frustrated with it all I turned my back to the angels and when I walked away to my surprise I found myself in heaven (Ya know I'm saying Kinda just turned around from the whole situation Rejecting everything that was going on Thats how I walked into heaven) I Walked away, walked away, walked straight into heaven... I Walked away, walked away, walked straight into heaven...