Here i am The dwelling that was inept to the masses, For the sacrifices That almost seemed non-existent Non-existent The almost routine behaviour that is around my atmosphere Fixation on that dissatisfaction Welcome to the proper form it should be Breathing in silence Makes a man nervous Foreign faces they taunt Self control All the lies are left breathing in silence Dark circles they proceed Around me in the darkness of night Devils they were summoned for destruction abuse me So gracefully They add honesty to my emotions to equal the pain... 'cause they like to see me cry... For every ounce of guilt that you give to me I'll tear if from my heart so graciously 'cause i want to see you lie with your face in the ground Crawling - never to make a sound She told me she was gone But i can still see her through that broken wall Even in this iron confinement she still... She still... You control! We are near... You burn! Live our other form - breed your other form Fixation on that dissatisfaction Welcome to the proper form it should be.