Disemboweled, disarticulated, and disassembled A feotid jumble of disorganized entrails The obscure carnal junk heap A hodge podge of macerated human meat The remains of the violently expired A sanguineous quagmire The remains so perplexingly enmeshed Into this corrupted quagmire of flesh Dismantled thoracic contents Splattered with reckless abandon Cadavers noisome and rotten Haphazardly heaped at random Autodigestion renders cadavers indistinguishable Acrid putrefaction, the odor totally unbearable The discarded intestines intertwined An intermingling to boggle the mind Of the morbidly inclined Mixture of fluids and chemicals An indecipherable concoction Intolerably molodorous and caustic This potion of unnatural composition Cadaveric mish-mosh A rotten sickening goulash Unknowable human mess A corrupted quagmire of flesh Which is which I couldn't hope to guess Unidentifiable mutilation Unintelligible detructation Incongruous mortal carnage Putrefacted heap of garbage