My occupation was a'calling, like a tumor, it within me swelled A path some found appalling, that I would come to know so well A cadaverous career awaited, the filthy task I'd undertake With a gruesome thirst for knowledge, that only the dead could slake My studies dismissed as morbid, incurring the headmaster's scorn My deathly imagination derided, and into the darkness borne From clandestine forays into graveyards To the operating theater's grisly scenes My bloody studies dug ever deeper Into the obscene and the unclean For in death's sleep what dreams may come? And in death's name, what deeds must be done As an anatomist, a necrologist But I'll never be an apologist My chosen path, to carve up stiffs A career dismissed as a dead end A surgeon's trade, a butcher's blade You mourn a rest to which you won't be laid To serve my much derided trade Your legacy will fade to a dead end The pounding of my father's coffin-nails beat a dolorous refrain But by staving in those caskets, a richer living could be gained My heart beat time with the hammer-falls I learned to pluck men from the grave And earned the name of resurrection-man Plying that reviled trade For in death's sleep what dreams may come? And in death's name, what deeds must be done As a resurrectionist, a necrologist But I'll never be an apologist My chosen path, to dig up stiffs A career dismissed as a dead end A surgeon's trade, a wooden spade You mourn a rest to which you won't be laid To serve our much benighted trades Your legacy will fade to a dead end