Follow me to my humble lodging What's mine is yours, such as it may be Enjoy the hospitality Soon you'll be cold dead anatomy Along the narrow, crooked wynd Then through the close, this house you'll find So many honored guests to fete Always an empty bed to let A funeral party Drink up, the hour is growing late A funeral party The fete will end when you meet your fate Here you may rest from your journeys And warm your bones with a dram of whiskey Drink to what's left of your health Soon you'll be another corpse to sell Intoxicated, the room starts to spin And at that moment our night work begins Quietly asphyxiate You see your end, but far too late A funeral party Drink up, the hour is growing late A funeral party Stuff the carcass in a crate All revels must come to their end So for the constable the tenants send False friends meet most unpleasant ends The corpus delicti now made evident A funeral party Step inside and have a quaff A funeral party Where guests soon shuffle off A funeral party Protests of innocence rebuffed A funeral party The life of the party - snuffed