Treasures, in the name of gods, books of eternity, power of this words, Faces,( the) mirror knows this crime, (a) broken promise, one more time bridge: it's just the pain, just another day in (the) fire, it's just another way, it's just the pain, just another day in (the) fire, it's just another way why, there is a open flame Burning in my soul, with endless pain, I try, try another way, Someone's king has to pay bridge chorus: walk alone in the dark with you, in the shadows I run, fight alone in the light with you, behind the clouds and the sun, walk alone in the dark with you, in the shadows I run, fight alone in the light with you, behind the clouds and the sun Treasures, in the name of gods, books of eternity power of this words, Faces, (the) mirror knows this crime, a broken promise, one more time Bridge Middlepart Schtärbe.....alleini ir nacht, wärde......mir nit mit dir macht, kä au üsre chraft, üs ergänze.....das s jede es schafft! Schtärbe.....alleini ir nacht, wärde......mir nit mit dir macht why, there is a open flame Burning in my soul, with endless pain, I try, try another way, Someone's king has to pay Bridge