Demolished is our safe heaven torn down by its own maker crushed to substitute exile! Oh what’s the worth of my embrace? Traitor blood runs in their veins feed my anger, my revenge When was I blindfolded? When did I yield? Oh father! My betrayal, betrayed me now This cruel man, my equal, makes me a vow No remorse can mend a heart deprived of love Only tears bear witness of those precious moments in our past: in golden light resounds the world that once was ours, forever ours Our sons sleep, while their mother still weeps They have not heard your bitter words nor have they seen the ruins of this dream? Are we to be a passing memory? Oh brother! My betrayal, betrayed me now This cruel man, my equal, makes me a vow No remorse can mend a heart deprived of love Only tears bear witness of those precious moments in our past: in golden light resounds the world that once was ours, forever ours Now only hatred fuels my heart deprived of love run from the storm that’s raging on. I hereby promise to avenge Run! Before I find and destroy all that you hide, run from our lives Oh hatred fuels my heart deprived of love! I will hurt you Jason, master of treachery, you’re a fool to think I’ll ever yield You can wield the sword and smother my voice, but dethroned I’ll never be For I now pledge to avenge the maker of his own belief and when collapsed he shall remain a hermit trapped in grief Remember we sealed our last vow: only death can part us We’ll share this exile, solitude and all denial: even death won’t part us For now and to forever we’ll share this pain together! Even death won’t part us