
Inclinata Resurgit Rebirth Of My Noble Dark Kingdom


Like the river in unbending flow to reach the sea
I wind my waters dark in range between rejoice and suffering
The fountain of my fathers, endless pride and dignity
The leading quest, to behold their kingdom rising
I let the trees in the stony chalice drench their limbs
Bring the forest to renascence in the cycle of being
I let the winter frost turn my heart to crystal gem

I make the starlight shimmer as winds sharpen my face
I evoke the visions of ruined domains
Glorious defeats, bitter failures, battles lost
And realize I obtain the knowledge
The ancestors fell so that I may know
How to avoid fall

I gather the shreds of the lost kingdom
Fragments scattered under ancient Europe skies
In the deep woods I enchant them
Into precious monument
A heart of the new dawn
I shall reign from here

We are all mere autumn leaves
Descending towards the river
Or the river itself

Predominating their doom
Unawared of their faint will
While the master entities enfold us
With frames we cannot seize
They appoint the extent
We can forge our fate within
I quest for might to perceive

And then shatter the unfathomed frames
Like the river in unbending flow to reach the sea
I wind my waters dark in range between rejoice and suffering
The fountain of my fathers, endless stream of glorious deeds
And the night came of my kingdom dark and noble rising