Evil Scarecrow

Sixty-six Minutes Past Six

Evil Scarecrow

Leviticus decreed in Chapter 13
Amongst the tales of sodomy and incest
The underworld will loom in the shadow of the moon
Through the bellies of the Hungary who are trapped in Budapest
The King of Time he has to make the time work
He enters Dharma’s code into his time computer 3
Monster tries to foil him and summon Armageddon
If the seventh hour fails it’s sixty-six minutes past six

In Hell The King of Time shall tick no more
In Hell The Queen of Succubae touches herself
In Hell “By the bleeding eye of Hitler! ”
What is the Time? Sixty-six minutes past six

Satan stands smoking babies in his pentagram
Calls forth his generals four
“Kaka Demon, Cyber Demon, Mega Demon, Monster”
Drown a baby horse in a river of blood

Six, Six, Six, Sixty-six minutes past six

Satan stands, fork in hand, in his pentagram
To chastise his Demons four
Curse the King of Time and his garden and his house
Monster ballsed it up again, he’s such a fish and chips