Tom: Db Intro: eb|-[12]-| B|------| Gb|-[-9]-| E|------| B|------| G|------| Bass/: E|---------| x8 B|---------| G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| C |-4-4-4-1-| Chorus: E|---------| x4 B|---------| G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| C |-4-4-4-1-| E|----------| B|----------| G|----------| Db|-66666666-| Ab|-44444444-| C |-00000000-| E|---------| x4 B|---------| G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| C |-4-4-4-1-| At the end of each 2 line section of the chorus, another guitar does a natural harmonic on either the 7th or 19th fret, shown below. To bend the note, look past the nut of the guitar to where the string is wound to the headstock, and press down on the string. This should let it sound as if you were bending the note. Depending on how the machine heads are aligned, difficulty to bend this certain string will vary. eb|-7h~~~~~-| Second guitar does this E|---------| B|---------| G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| Verse: Another guitar takes the wheel while the lead does these: "I can make your knees drop" eb|-19p18-22-| x4 E|----------| B|----------| G|----------| D|----------| A|----------| "Superman, girl" E|-23p22-23p22----22b-| B|--------------------| G|--------------------| D|--------------------| A|--------------------| E|--------------------| Repeat Chorus, with lead playing this each time he repeats the line: "You ain't never gonna mess with my mind..." E|---------| B|---------| Gb|-9~~~~~~-| E|---------| B|---------| G|---------| Repeat Verse The verse that comes after "Let loose a pearl" is the same with a different lead. Verse V2: "Shot to your neck" eb|-20p19~~-| E|---------| B|---------| G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| "You be a squirrel girl" eb|-17-18-17-18-| E|-------------| B|-------------| G|-------------| D|-------------| A|-------------| End of last verse, lead guitar plays: "Me baby, me baby..." eb|-19-19-19-19-18| 18 plays once chorus starts E|---------------| B|---------------| G|---------------| D|---------------| A|---------------| "Me baby, me baby..." eb|-[5]-| Bb|-[9]-| E|-----| B|-----| G|-----| D|-----| Repeat Chorus, with lead playing this after the second time: (Second) "You ain't never gonna mess with my mind" eb|------| Bb|-17s5-| Gb|------| E|------| B|------| G|------| Repeat verse, with lead slightly bending the eb string on the 19th fret until said, here: "Show me, don't blow me..." until "I got ya, morphin" eb|-19~~~~~-| E|---------| B|---------| G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| End Verse "Whatcha doin'?" "Hey" eb|-[12]~~~-7~~~|s12~~~~-22b-| E|-------------|------------| B|--[9]~~~-----|------------| G|-------------|------------| D|-------------|------------| A|-------------|------------| Repeat Chorus Repeat Verse, with lead playing this: "Mista masicks..." eb|-19-18-19-18-| E|-------------| B|-------------| G|-------------| D|-------------| A|-------------| "And using me" E|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-9~~~~---9~~~~---| D|-----------------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| "It's so confusingly" E|---------| B|---------| Gb|-13s21~~-| E|---------| B|---------| G|---------| "Blew my mind" is the same parts as Chorus, but with different wording. Hence, repeat chorus. Depending on your video, you play the horn like sound near the end at around 4:49 which is the time of my video, and is played like this: E|----------| With noise decreasing each strum. B|----------| G|----------| D|----------| Ab|-7-7-7-7-7| C|----------| End: eb|-19h-22~~~~--| E|-------------| B|-------------| G|-------------| D|-------------| A|-------------| This tab isn't 100% accurate, and probably never will be, but help me clean up parts I might have gone screwy on. The video in question I used is here: