Ed: I'm that guy you see in every horror flick. You may not remember me, i come and go too quick. You wouldn't know my name, i hardly ever speak a line. If the hero kills a hundred demons, i'd be the forgettable number Thirty nine. 'cuz i'm a bit part demon, a small time misfit. I'd say you'd be dead by dawn but i don't really mean it. I'm a threat to no one, the other deadites make fun... Cheryl: You suck! Ed: Of me. evil eddie. oh the bit part demon. Annie: But don't you see ed? we've been listening to you talk for the past two minutes. You've said a whole lot just now. just you! Aw, you're not a bit part demon anymore. you're a lead player. a star! Ed: You're right! now i see that this trend has been disrupted. I've said more than five words without being interrupted! i'm a Bit part no more! my character's at a swing! And now its time for this demon to sing, sing sing! ahhhh....(gunshot) oh! Ash: Now you'll have a bit part; in hell.