I'll be the fox by the road I am Enormous and evolved. A predatory mass, in the dark I am unseen Me dripping oil from my tail and My eyes are through the fumes Yellow as the arc of imagined LEDs. I leave a path in the snow little Rainbow diesel paws I devour the smoke That erupts from all exhaust. I make a dash for the median There's a banshee searing past And everything is light and It's noise and I reach the grass. My eyes are wide and my teeth dropping Straight out of my skull They clatter on the road Anatomically displayed. I am as lithe as a vine as I Whisper up the verge And I am almost up to The shoulders of a horse. Little Sea Anemone, pool of rocks Why'd you see, an enemy I cannot? Could there be, a more heavenly artifact? As pure as that? I sleep a while in the dark of a Warehouse by the sea I am now as giant as the sun I used to love. My limbs are shoots springing forth I am Impossible and black, and I can feel The gravity rushing into me. I feel a pull on my fur and a A hundred tiny hands I can feel the men and the women clamber on. They will embrace me tonight as a A father and a son, and I will carry homo-sapiens through the night. I can not imagine the things they did to you. I cannot imagine the way it feels for you. I can feel the gravity rushing into me. I am but a hole in the fabric of the scene. I was but a drop in the ocean all along.