Limited edition prom night special Take it from me too much is never too much Limited edition prom night special Better take a picture 'cause it's look and don't touch Limited edition coronation Ladies give a curtsy, 'cause here comes your queen Limited edition celebration Prestigious and prodigious and his only sixteen Who's got the heat? (who?) Who's got the heels? (who?) Who's got the perks? (yeah 36D) Who's got the class? (me!) Who's got the ass? (me!) Who's got the works? (Mimi Me!) Limited edition, so enchanting Serving litty realness, and I'm fresher than fresh Limited edition, debutanting Worshipping the bodice of a goddess made flesh Turning the ignition Taking pole position Mimi's on a mission Kill the competition Here's the ammunition Limited edition prom night special What have I done? Letting him run? Going so fast How long can it last? Limited edition, celebration Women may be born but divas are made Limited edition graduation I know where I'm going, don't be throwing no shade Limited edition prom night special Take it from me too much is never too much Limited edition prom night special Better take a picture 'cause look at me Look at me, look at me, look and don't touch