Erase all the bastards, the grifters, the vultures And your sad eyes, a dull flicker Projector, projector Turn the world into the wild There is nothing outside but a mirror and the sky You're a dream in a dream, you're the only one alive Try bursting the clouds Try not making a sound or leaving the ground So much space And all I paint Oil spills On black waves I used to go easy Yeah, I noticed all the beauty Now I'm hunchbacked It's all heavy Reflector, reflector But the magic isn't real till the magic is gone If the flame was eternal then it won't be for long There is nothing inside but a mirror and a light You're caught in between Mise en abyme I'm setting sail but I'm still as the wind doesn't blow I'm waiting for eternity, I don't think it'll show I'm at a party but there's nobody here that I know I called together every wolf in the Arctic, then I cried wolf I cried wolf I built a house on the grave that you haunted, then I shook I got shook I called together every wolf in the Arctic, then I cried wolf I cried wolf I built a house on the grave that you haunted, then I shook I got shook I lit a match and threw it into the garden, yeah, and it took Oh, it took Somebody tell me if I'm dear or departed, I can't look I can't look Try bursting the clouds Try not making a sound or leaving the ground All I create is empty space (Empty space, empty space) Cheer up Have you ever thought of smiling more? You'd look so good Try smiling more