The Everly Brothers

Watchin’ It Go

The Everly Brothers

Me, it seems I’m spendin’ most of my time
Spendin’ ten cents while I’m makin’ a dime
Tryin’ to make sense out of life’s mixed up rhyme
Meantime I’m watchin’ it go
The butterfly spins in his little cocoon
Thinkin’ of songs that he’ll be singing soon
So few will listen to the butterfly’s tune
Me I’m just watchin’ it go
Watchin’ it go
Wantin’ to know
Where do you go when you’ve been
Poor Cinderella she’s bowin’ her head
Tellin’ some stranger what a hard life she’s led
Glass slippers sound asleep under the bed
Sadly I’m watchin’ her go
Prince Charming dressed in disarmin’ disguise
Flashin’ his charms as he’s blindin’ her eyes
Mornin’ will hear ‘em say their sunshine goodbyes
Me, I’ve seen a few of them go
Watchin’ it go
Wantin’ to know
Where do you go when you’ve been
Me, like so many, I’ve tried so many things
Walkin’ on crutches and callin’ them wings
Wonderin’ who’s pullin’ the puppeteer’s strings
Me, I’m just wantin’ to know
Minds too confined they keep wantin’ to roam
Lookin’ for a life that will leave them alone
I hear ‘em singin’ now they want to go home
Knowin’ they never can go
Watchin’ it go
Wantin’ to know
Where do you go when you’ve been
Watchin’ it go
Wantin’ to know
Where do you go when you’ve been