There once was a boy with eyes of blue Who played with the blue balloon People everywhere they would stop and stare At the boy with the blue balloon For it sang Dum dum dooby dooby dum dum dooby dooby Dum dum dooby dooby digh Dum dum dooby dooby dum dum dooby dooby Dum dum dooby dooby digh Here in the park under skies of blue The boy with the blue balloon You’ve seen him, if you’ve been there On a sunny afternoon Running here, running there Young and free without a care A little boy, and a blue balloon It sings Dum dum dooby dooby dum dum dooby dooby Dum dum dooby dooby digh Dum dum dooby dooby dum dum dooby dooby Dum dum dooby dooby digh Dum dum dooby dooby dum dum dooby dooby Dum dum dooby dooby digh Dum dum dooby dooby dum dum dooby dooby Dum dum dooby dooby digh Dum dum dooby…