You should have been in New York City Before the crash in twenty nine Everybody had lots of dough The bathtub gin would overflow Back when the bands played in ragtime There was a cop they called O’Reilly He loved a girl in the chorus line But she was just no good She ran around with all the hoods Back when the bands played in ragtime 24 She asked O’Reilly for a favour And he agreed ‘cause love is blind A friend of hers was runnin’ booze Would he take a bribe, what did he have to lose Back when the bands played in ragtime The mob was loadin’ stolen liquor When they heard the siren wine The cops came where the booze was stored O’Reilly got a big reward Back when the bands played in ragtime O’Reilly sent his love to prison She was there ‘til thirty nine To top it off he was untrue He got married in thirty two Back when the bands played in ragtime Ah you should have been in New York City Before the crash in twenty nine Everybody had lots of dough The bathtub gin would overflow Back when the bands played in ragtime Back when the bands played in ragtime Back when the bands played in ragtime