Ain’t no love that’s free Ain’t no love that’s free Take it, take it, take it from me It takes, it takes more than money to make Ain’t no Ain’t no love that’s free Take it, take it from me Takes, take it from me Takes more, takes more, takes more than life Middle of the night Ain’t no love that’s free Just you wait, wait, wait and see Wait, wait and see I, I knew you, knew you, knew your love Wait and see Ain’t, ain’t no love that’s free Take it from me It takes more than money to make a bed sunny In the middle of the night No love that’s free Just you wait and see Wait ‘n’, wait ‘n’, love free, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ‘n’, love is free, wait and see Do it all alone if you’re gonna do me wrong Ain’t no love that