I ramble throught the galaxy,looking for my place I´m asking myself why i´m here Eyes in darkness can´t see the aim Thoughts weigh,am i maybe near? Candles of human´s fates burn out The moment of truth,then spot of nativity In the down of new,maybe better tomorrows From a neverending far distances don´t decrease. Thousands of words guide the way of mine And their "go!" slowly fades Long-ago shadows of creatures dance In the heartbeats,in flows of time. Sumus fortasse dii Causa adventus nostri? Habemus universalem potestatem Est causa presentiae nostri? Sumus fortasse universum Causa adventus nostri? Estote modesti sumus solummodo,pars universi Inkognitis galaxiis We rush like senseless on With blind hate which devours us Kills all living,destroys lifeless A where´s the one who grave us the right. Estote modesti sumus solummodo,pars universi.