Evergreen Terrace

Shattered Remains Of My Broken Heart

Evergreen Terrace

Tom: C

------7~~~-----9h10-9~~~~----12~~~~---9h10-9----7-5-7--7----------| x2

---7-7-x-x-7-7-x-x-7-7-x-x-7-7--9-9-9-9-x-x-10101010101010--------| x 4



Theres a part right here that im wokrin on and ill post it when i get it figured out.

01:26 (hile the little solo thing is playin)

01:23 (Third guitar while solo thing is playin in the background)

--0-0-0--------0-0-0----repeat as much as needed----------------0-0-0-|



-0-0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0--------------------------------------| X6
-0-0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0---Palm Muted-------------------------|

been wanting this tabbed for a year now casue i wanted to learn it and noone tabbed it
so i decide to sit down and learn it and tab it our for the other people that might want
it. Its not the complete song but its most of it...all thast missing is two guitar parts
im workin on now and ill put em up when i get em...if anything is wrong with it which
theres not i dont think but there could be just IM me and tell me Noth1nGldCanStay on
AIM or AOL. Enjoy...Later....