Eve 6

Sunset Strip Bitch

Eve 6

Tom: C

Album: Horrorscope
Transcribed by: Matt Foster
Email: *

hey this is the 4th song i have tabbed off Horrorscope.
Email me comments/corrections.

  intro 4x

verse intro 4x (just play 9/7 slide the first time)

verse 7x

pre chorus 1x

  chorus 2x

  chorus outro 1x

verse intro 4x (just play 9/7 slide the first time)

verse 7x

pre chorus 1x

chorus 2x

chorus outro 1x

verse intro 7x (just play 9/7 slide the first time)

play 1x into verse

verse 4x

chorus 4x

chorus outro 2x

ending   1x