
At The Solitary Crypt


Cold dew of a November dawn
Awakens my lust
For the exile from this life
As I wander furled in fog and woe

On the path to forgotten crypts
Arrived to this tomb declined
In solitude for all its time
Moss and dampness adorn the spires

Autumnal leaves share decay with debris
As the rain starts to fall
Gates and doorways I pass
Faded paintings tell of loss

Murble walls show carvings
Of an afterlife denied
I’m enraptured in decadence allure
Still the passage to a vault below
Is my way

Relief comes from this acrid dark, thick air I breathe
Catacombs out of time welcome me, my grief
By dim gleams of a torch a subterrain I unveil
A place of funerary halls

Drenched in lugubrious peace
A place for my soul to rest