Ever living, ever faithful, ever sure, every time From coast to coast; his imperial majesty! I'm just another soldier in a fox hole I’m just another dog-face on the front line I'm just another sailor in a life boat I'm just another pilot falling out of the sky You got-you got-you got-you got to chill baby Put yourself in my place now You got-you got-you got-you got to ill baby Don’t wait til it's too late now You're never gonna kill me in the end You're never gonna fuck me in the head You're never gonna catch me in the act You're never gonna find me in the dark The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (whoa) The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (n-n-now now now) The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (whoa) The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (The dark) (Rockin' out) I'm just another dancer in the limelight I’m just another bastard with a charm life I’m just another sailor in a lifeboat I'm just another lover with a white stroke, now You got-you got-you got-you got to chill baby Put yourself in my place now You got-you got-you got-you got to kill baby Put the Hell’s the point of this, now You're never gonna kill me in the end You're never gonna fuck me in the head You're never gonna catch me in the act You’re never gonna find me in the dark The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (whoa) The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (n-n-now now now) The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (whoa) The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark The dark, the dark, the dark, the dark (The dark) What the fuck is he on? Like what the fuck is he on? What the fuck is he on? Like what the fuck is he on? What the fuck is he on? They're like: What the fuck is he on? They're like: What the fuck is he on? They're like: What the fuck is he on? They're like: What the fuck is he on?