Limb by limb they build me Out of crisp white snow ‘Neath the tallest fir tree Hung with lights aglow Piece by piece I’m growing Ready for the world But know not yet where I’m going Nor do the boys and girls I only know they’re out there All my white snowfriends If only I can find where Our path starts and ends Perhaps I’ll try to call them I wonder if they’ll hear Now the night has fallen And the moon a perfect sphere Suddenly I see it Stretching far away Where the earth and sky split And night rules o’er the day But it’s a long, long journey And I’m just made of snow So I have one chance only To find my precious home The children fast asleep now They know not of my plan So, if I make it somehow I hope they’ll understand For I too have a family That I would like to see And share with them my happy Tales on christmas eve So, on a great adventure I embark tonight Guided by the splendour Of the pale moonlight Toward another realm Where time drifts beyond measure And bid this last farewell For I know it’s now, or never!