Once inside I really couldn't believe the tragedy Mayday! Mayday! What happened to the Sissi? The place turned into a snobby nest for 30 year old nymphomaniacs in distress I'd never seen so much hungry pussy celebrating their misery For a few seconds I felt like 'The moment' in a low budget movie My date turned out to be a junky vacillating between ecstasy and LSD Despite the narcotic disagreement I still asked her for a dance I should have noticed she was under strong chemical influence Once on the dance floor she completely lost control of her toes Shoving the mob with a succession of ballet moves accomplished with her eyes closed Today is your birthday she said, and I'll be your present young lad After a hesitating trip to the ladies room I tried to find an excuse to rush away That's when she showed me something that surely would have made me stay (If only she would have kept her dinner inside) The end of the story could have been quite different that night