And so it is founded ngaa The God of the pagans Who breathes and roars like a thousand thunders In the eyes of anu, inanna and marduk I found the gate of ngaa Leaving to the outside What are the earliest Keeps the eternal clock of our world I looked for the queen from the outside, mircalla Whose name is in magan's text I came to possess knowledge And I discovered a gray stone Carved with three strange symbols This one I saw as tall as a man On the nineteenth shabbat I was awakened by the howl of the jackals Ia Ia Zi azag Ia Ia Zi azag Ia Ia Kutuku zi kur The fire had died The gray stone rose Slowly in the air I closed my hand The dik of azug-be-ya It seemed to melt my hand I heard a voice Behind weeds Another voice joined the first Ad soon, several men in black They wrapped the floating stone The sculptures burned in the monument The figures murmured Prayers, from which they could be heard In some unknow language Unknow to me The figures, whose faces I don't see Reflected like knives in the air About floating stones He climbed the tail of a snake He came up from the earth followed by another And the ground shuddered And so it founded ngaa The God of pagans Who breathers and roars like a thousand thunders In the eyes of anu, inanna and marduk I found the gate of ngaa Leading to the outside What are the earliest Keeps the eternal clock of our world