Wake Up! We have you surrounded I hope in your dreams you breath underwater! Wake up! We have you surrounded Give in and surrender Cause I thought ahead and burnt the last bridge outta town I aced the heart of destruction And I'm not stopping now, I'll wait until everyones dead. Wake up! Give in and surrender We thought ahead and burnt the last bridge outta town So write it down, Then maybe later we can fill in the blanks. Write it down. Looks like your lucks run out as it would seem We've been programmed 'A Killer' it would seem, programmed 'A Killer' we are. Destine and born to die alone through motiveless crime. You should have known this was my all time high! Whoa, all time high Wake up! We have you surrounded, I hope in your dreams you breath underwater! Wake up! Give in surrender I thought ahead and burned the last bridges outta town At least in my dreams everything seems so familiar. But now like the sky, I've got these pockets to fill. Just don't wake me before dawn