Your expectations, whatever they are Blind illusions, pour justice lies far The deal is a fraud, the bargain's in vain The intention's exploring the deepest domain Solving the puzzle means using the key Time is eternal for the suffering, you'll see The final invitation must not be recalled Perpetual quest for the pain's last resort Begin the procedure, your part is done Now my turn's approaching for having the fun The penetration of your skin Enlightment as the steel slips in The barbs do fasten, flesh is extent Tissue is stretchung, repulsive intent Let us sharfe experience, be docile to my erudition Rejoice at all capacity of your sensuous perception Exploring the depths Exploring the depths Arm yourself in patience, revel in dissection Agony's intensity, beyond all expectations Feed on the infinite depths of suffering I live your fully life of anguishing Enlarge emotions by the crucialst strain Investigate the possibilities of pain Enthusiastic feasting to enforce some ecstasy Convulsivic remains of agony's enormity Devote yourself to my most skillful techniques For if the mind is willing, the flesh can still be weak