Time had struck it down and laid waste of its will Growth had stopped long ago and it crumbled in tis age Hopes once real are now faint whispers in the wind The cracks in the structure are the wears in the skin Gray skies are eternal in the dreamscape wasteland The sun had set long age to flee the tear laden night Memories of what was and what was to be Echo through the ruined land that was once our land of dreams Your land of dreams, our land of dreams, my land of dreams... DREAMLAND It came to this somehow Through the years that sped fast like days Through the days that took the form of hours By the hout it willl all begin to fade Look and weep, hands take the heads of mourners Tears seep through ages fingers like rain slipping through the crack of the structure And as the waves cinsumes, All hope gives way to doom Despair paints the skies grey, Entombed the halls run deep with pain At the ruins at dreamland, At the edge of time the sadness is swelling, And feeding the storm Thinking of what could have ebbn But fearing the urge to dream The nightmare had descended And it longs to descend again At the dreamscape ruind A (black?)stone to mark the world of wonder Where the landscape is a tomb For the sould and dreams that were sadly pulled under