Past, present and future Need to the call of its constant spell They very essence of life is questioned with each setting sun, with the light of each new dawning day The sunrise sends its greetings and feigns a promise May good tidings steer the uncertain path Sunset, it came so quickly there wasn't a chance and the moon laughs, your daytime dreams cannot be fulfilled through sleep The dreams of the present are the same dreams of many past years Still unfulfilled after all this time brought to your knees by the crippling sands that devour Race until the end Suffocate on the slow kill that perpetually damns Time is eternally falling Never to repeat itself in perfect symmetry Breathe in the malice, release a part of your soul Entranced by silence the deafing silence once more Destined to drown again Cursing the future, damning the present living in the past, forever haunted By what could have been, by what once was had The hourglass quickenes, caught in the spell of the sands Each grain of sand takes with it a breath of life Each breath of life takes with it a moment in time never recaptured Each dawn, possibly the last dawn Dusk may be eternal