Conception Of Machine Intelligence wired to silicon, Relieving the duties of man A brave new face is the face of betrayal, By that of which we did create Torn between real and reality, An absense of reason and guilt A treason of thought commited by man, Biting the hand that feeds Have we maintained a superior race, A court that can not be dissolved Mechanical giants now stand in our place, The human race has evolved Identity crises for now we have none, A dying breed are we Iron clad judges juggle our fate, Blinded our eyes can not see Repression of the ones who think, Why do it for ourselves? A helping hand, A hand that kills, In hiding we must dwell A face turned, Our blood runs cold, A life that's lived in fear How to trust a man that kills, But can not shed a tear Bite our hands Our sengeancy lost with our minds Clense our sins We bow to the machine.