What do u want from me Because I've giving u everything What do u need from me Are u not happy with anything Party like a rockstar Hit em with the hot bars Fast like a nascar Lyin like my dash car I deserve a grammy Will I fly away or land on Miami I don't have time to rhyme But I do have time to grind SOD pirates I don't need a hook My lyrics illustrated versus takin from a book I understand the fans Supply and demand Crunk and command Fight and we'll stand Lyrics from a true legend Live a life to god blessings Big papers long acres Top flight no security Black ice on me call a jury Yahh trick yahh and we call it magic My style may change you can call it drastic Money so long and weed is the measure I love my business and I love my pleasure Live now dies later Internet genius Self proclaimin he critically acclaimed for the fortunate of fame He'll run through the rain For a meanin to change Taking over the game 18 years old wid a drop top phantom Kidnap the world till they pay my ransom Deandre way look what tatted on my face 4 words 2 say I deserve a grammy What do u want from me Cause I've giving u everything What do u need from me Are u not happy with anything Is it not good enough Am I not good enough Have I not gave enough What do u want from me