6 in the mornin police at my door Dead body on the floor from the night before I caught a murder rap cus i bust a cap in a door Left a body stinkin on the bathroom floor Out the back door cops seen who done it One homicide now one thats wanted APB 187 now suspects on the flee 6 in the mornin its a homi-c-i-d-e They said her body's mutilated cant get ID Cuz I shot her in the face and took a hammer and bust out her teeth Now I'm on the run with a gun and a sledge hammer Thinkin to myself i be damned if im in the slammer Ran down a dead end street here comes the heat Next thing you know i got my face in the concrete Now I got a court date on my way upstate Prosecutin attorney waitin for my fate 30 questions are asked and 30 questions ill answer And as the judge and jury looks on how do I plead to homicide As I approached the bench my shakles dragged across the floor (Where were you on the night in question) at the liquor store They wanted me to tell the truth and nuthin but the truth Ill tell the truth only if you got proof They asked me this they asked me that They switched the stuff up and asked the same shit right back But I got my shit together I'm to clever (Have you ever worshipped the devil nope never?) I said it once I said it twice I said it three times And then they pulled my file and found all sorts of crimes The victims parents thought the cops should've killed me They asked me how do I plead I said not guilty They gettin angry they wanna hang me They called me the devil and threw holy water on me Order in the court its gettin outta hand They got an eye witness and she's bout to take the stand Now I start to panic the truth and my lies collide How do I plead to homicide The eye witness took the stand she said she saw me burnin candles Then she heard a shot and saw my hand with the hammers handle They seen blood and guts and called the cops on me And when they came brain fragments all over the room The judge and jury lookin at me like guilty They one jumped up and said (Lock up the filthy bastard!) God damn can I get a god damn break How much shit can one black man take But the judge is black and the jury too All of 'em lookin at you know who They asked me why did I do it I said fuck you Show me a throat and I'ma cut through They said the killing was a satanic ritual Then they called me a sick individual I dropped my head and tried to plead insanity As you can see he's a threat to humanity With no emotion in my face I saw her family cry And since I'm guilty that's how I'm pleadin to homicide