Tom: Bb Tabbed by: Mitch Craig Email: * Please Comment this and My Other tabs and rate it PLEASE lol Tuning Is Drop C I only made it up to the first part of verse which is probably wrong I know it isnt Right On But its the closest I could get Im not sure if its Drop C Or D Close Enough and the verse Isnt the whole verse you can hear all this weird stuff and I pick it up by ear cause It's all Like.. Odd and sorta too fast to do Mindfreak Is an Awesome Show:) Intro D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| F|---------10~-10\9-5-5/7--| C|------0~-x---x--x-x-x-x--|2x before the harmony part starts G|-0000-0~-8-~-8-/7-3-3/5--| C|-0000-0~-----------------| .... Harmony guitar D|--------------------------| A|--------------------------| F|---------14~-14\12-9-9/10-| C|------0~-x---x--x--x-x-x--| G|-0000-0~-12~-12\10-7-7/8--| C|-0000-0~------------------| .... Verse Like 5 seconds of it Lol D|-----------------| A|-----------------| F|-9~-10~-17~-15~--| C|-x--x---x---x----| G|-7~-8-~-15~-13~--| C|-----------------|