Erin O'Donnell

I Will Trust in You

Erin O'Donnell

I will trust in You 
I will hold to what is true 
That You see the weakest through 
Every trial 
I will cling to You 
Each day I pledge it new 
My imperfect gratitude 
From now on 

I am a rag doll 
Made of strings and yarns 
Each day a new thread 
Is torn from me 
And as I come apart at the seams 
My hands raise up and I fall to my knees 
Please hold me and sew me back together again 


I can feel so old 
Like I've seen too much 
All my hope has been squeezed dry 
Like some worn-out sponge 
And as I am used up and spilled empty 
You fill me up with a sweet certainty 
Please keep me filled and never to be thirsty again 

And as my tiny steps lead to freedom's strides 
Keep a watchful eye over me 
Lest I trip and fall 
I know I will 

I will trust in You 
Each day I pledge it new 
My imperfect gratitude 
From now on