Us! Among men! In the plans of shifting lime We! Stood beside! A foundation of space and time What! Would you say! To a city build in Jackson Park Electric castles and A promise kept of highest art In our white city We'll stroll together Streets of wax Streets of plaster Our white city White with wonder Heights of greatness and Nights asunder Down! To the wire! Time is running out on our project World! Look to us! Find a model of what's not thought yet How beautiful is beauty When it's only temporary A decade a century stands still In the white city of our will Raise! And be raised! Our hands face up and our faces forward Show us the beauty! Show us where to aim our story In our white city We'll stroll together Streets of wax Streets of plaster Our white city White with wonder Heights of greatness and Nights asunder In our white city Of domes and girders We can fall but The fall won't hurt us