Midnight confessions Of deputy prussians Colored my time in the rhine Where a misplaced directive From a dirty connector I got out just in time Fleet of foot messengers Tapped me in Bucharest And paid for a train to Berlin Where a night club at midnight Was cleared out too quickly I made my face in the wings The palace ain't nothing Compared to this majesty Here I am dancin' for The president of Germany I opened up with a Rag and a one-step and Finished the bit with a frieze Then a touch of the shuffle and I closed with a softshoe I hit 'em with my best routine The palace ain't nothing Compared to this majesty Here I am dancin' for The president of Germany The orpheum never saw a Bigger hit in 2 A Day The national can't beat This state [Oooooh, oooooh] [Don't fade out, you're my only hope And it's running out] The spotlight it shone on Heavy artillery The silence was worse than the shot I'm just a dancer An innocent fiction More like a dream than not Applause cascading from One set of fingertips You believe what you believe Midnight confessions Of deputy prussians I got out just in time