take your eyes off my hands and look at me it's not the music you came here to see. i am laying myself out and i am crossing some line but just where its drawn is up to you to define. i have chosen to be here and give you myself but in truth its not like i could have chosen much else. so when i dare you to look deep deep deep into my eyes when you can't, you look away i have to say i am not surprised. i know you haven't been listening, you've no clue the wars i've fought and you were deciding when to hear me when i reached out to strum your thought. yes, i'll keep your attention, after all, it's been bought but don't think you know what makes me happy when i don't even know why i am not do you think it's so easy to stand here and sing for you? well, it's not but sometimes i forget who it is i have fooled and sometimes i forget that you don't know me at all. it's then i tell you too much, it's then i let you see me crawl. take your eyes off my hands and look at me it's not the music you came here to see. i am warning you that sometimes i often lie. you think you hear my truth but it's only my best try.