Erick Macek

There are Times

Erick Macek

They say that opposites attract
And somehow i find that true
But no one really knows the answer
And no one really knows the truth
Yet there's something i'd like to tell you
Bbut i don't seem to find that truth
I just seem to be confused

There are times and there are moments when i am with you
That i forget about this world
Time stands stilL in our realm you and i
But then i wonder if  you really know
Who you are

You're on a plane, to be changed forever
Never to be seen again
Making plans and telling jokes that never seem to happen
You're always living in the moment

And somehow everything looks better in black and white
Where no ones fellings can get hurt
You took away my color
You took away my pride
You gave me hope, but then you left me again

When i look at you and smile/cry
When i'll just sit back and i'll smile/cry
When i hold it in and cry
Where i'll drink to ease the pain (for a while)
When i'll look into your eyes and wonder
Where i can't breath hold my breath for me

Good God! I wanted you to be there
Shen i can't take it take it!
But you seem to find that hope in times when i can't
And good God! i want you to be there
But you just fight it, fight it!
And oh how everything seems to fade to nothing