Endless pain upon a weak queen called isthar evil laughts that scared into darkness A black mistress between gods a dark mistress called ereshkigal (queen of death) The unholy blood flows under a moonlight the dark winds are summoning the black powers the impure waters are rejoiced because de terrible wrath of my queen, mistress of the netherworld I see black demons flying near throughmy evil eyes infecting all things with horror and suffering The pentagram lives in my hearth The gates were open and darkness falls over isthar and kill the mortals The ark waters ares rising, carrying to the goddes of light towards the night dominions Evil pleasures under the calid water occult desires of the ancient CUTHA KUTULU awaits you in a throne of blood where exits the seven gates and the seven laws And walking through the evil gates Isthar descends to the land of KUR, a land where the star of lamentation rules on a throne of bones